Friday, April 4, 2008


Replacing characters in String

The replace method of String can be used to replace all occurrences of the specified character with given character.

String replace(char oldChar, int newchar)

Getting substrings

String class provides substring method to extract specified portion of the given String. This method has been overloaded.

String substring(int startIndex)

String substring(int startIndex, int endIndex)

Note: A new String object containing the substring is created and returned. The original String won’t be affected.

If the index value is not valid, a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.


String class provides set of static overloaded valueOf method to convert primitives and object into strings.

static String valueOf(Object obj)

static String valueOf(char[] character)

static String valueOf(boolean b)

static String valueOf(char c)

static String valueOf(int i)

static String valueOf(long l)

static String valueOf(float f)

static String valueOf(double d)

Manipulating Character Case

String class provides following methods to manipulate character case in String.

String toUpperCase()

String toUpperCase(Locale locale)

String toLowerCase()

String toLowerCase(Locale locale)

Note : Original String object is returned if none of the characters changed, otherwise new String object is constructed and returned.

Miscellaneous methods

String trim()

This method removes white space from the front and the end of a String.

int length()

Returns length of the String.

String intern()

This method returns interned String object, if already present in the String pool. Otherwise this String is added into the pool, and then interned reference is returned.